Welcome to Ethics Review Manager (ERM)

Your one stop shop for all ethics applications!!

To log in and access ERM - go to the top right of this screen

Important things to remember

Sometimes we make updates to the forms.

You may see a banner at the top of the ERM application/form screen with the below message.

If you see this message, then the project owner must click on the 'Update'.

Note: There is a newer version ofthe project Update

If an 'Update' is not accepted, you may not be able to submit application/form.

Only the project owner can accept an 'Update'.

Warning: The project owner must update your project in order to submit this form

If you are not the project owner, you will see this banner:

Please contact the project owner of the application so that they can accept the newer version of ERM (save any complete work first).

Please note: Accepting updates may result in new or changed questions in the form, this may require a revised answer.

ERM Support

Please refer to the Help tab (available on the top left of the screen) for FAQ's, Templates, and other supporting material.


If your submission requires urgent attention please contact us. Ensure you include your ethics reference number.

Animal Ethics - Animal.Ethics@utas.edu.au

Human Ethics - Human.Ethics@utas.edu.au

The Ethics Team look forward to supporting you through the ethics review process.